Screen cleaners are employed in many places to remove floating and/or suspended debris.
The principle of the Münster screen cleaner is based on a construction running along an elevated track, and consisting of a carriage and a loose grab, available in several configurations. The advantage of a loose grab is that screens of any width and depth can be cleaned. The variable track length allows positioning of a deposit at any desirable place.
Special features:
- narrower or wider grab
- greater working depth
- 2-speed drive and lifting motor for different velocities
- in stainless steel
These screen cleaners are applied in polder drainage stations, sewage treatment plants, coarse refuse installations, barrages and dams, inlets to power and desalination plants.
- conveyor belts are not required
- cleaning of the screen, from top to bottom
- the track can be equipped with curves, enabling the approach of any deposit location
- possibility of direct dumping on truck, container or barge
- the open construction and the absence of intermediate transportation reduces space requirements and dirty screening areas
- large obstacles such as mattresses, tree-trunks and root stems can be removed
- absence of permanently submerged construction parts and therefore insensibility to icing
- one unit is sufficient for multi-screen operation
- PLC control allows complete automatic operation