Santiago WWTP (CHL)

Latin America's largest sewage treatment plant, La Farfana, in Chile's capital Santiago, has been fitted with five new Landustrie vijzels. The augers are placed in the intake pumping station, where some 6 to 7 hundred thousand m3 of wastewater per day is pumped into the treatment process.
Before the contract was awarded, a large package of tender requirements had to be met. When awarding the contract, not only the lowest price was eventually considered, but also quality aspects and references. Quality in particular was one of the spearheads, especially since the existing steel jacks were already showing signs of fracture after only a few years of operation.
For optimum jacking design, we use the Finite Element Method. With this calculation programme, the acting forces can be mapped under all conditions and the most ideal jacking design determined.
All five augers, measuring 3.7 metres in diameter and some 21 metres long, were delivered and assembled with drive and electric controls.