Hendrik Bulthuis aqueduct (NL)

Landustrie Hendrik Bulthuis Aqueduct 1 710x375

The construction of the new Central Axis (the N356 from Drachten to Dokkum) has been completed. We were allowed to supply various pump systems for the extensive route in, for example, newly constructed tunnels, bicycle subways, etc.

Eye-catching is the new pumping installation in the Hendrik Bulthuis Aqueduct, named after the designer of the BM'er sailboat. The aqueduct passes under the Prinses Margrietkanaal on the west side of Burgum. The pump installation is equipped with Caprari pumps and has a total pumping capacity of 450 m3/hour.

Contact us
Landustrie Sneek Waste water
Landustrie Sneek Water Management
Landustrie Sneek Pumping Plant
Landustrie Sneek Hydropower