Auger pumping station Dülkener Nette (D)
The German water authority Niersverband realised the construction of a rainwater harvesting and filtering basin totalling over 7 hectares in Viersen (Dülkener Nette). During heavy rainfall, the existing facilities cannot process enough water/waste water and it ends up directly in the river Nette and later in the Nette Lake. This overloads the surface water with large quantities of polluted water. In future, the excess water can be pumped into the new buffer basin (25,000 m3) from the buffer canal using an auger pumping station. In grass-planted filter basins (10,500 m2), the water will be cleaned and returned to the Nette river in small quantities. The Nette is a tributary of the River Niers in the Nordrhein-Westfalen sub-region. The new supply pumping station will be equipped with five Landustrie screw pumps that can pump a total of 6400 litres of water per second.