Major hydro project in Alsace

Steinsau weir, Erstein (F)
The existing Steinsau weir on the River Ill near Erstein will be equipped with six pieces of LANDY hydropower jacks.
Dating from the late 19th century, the weir prevents the downstream regions of Erstein and Strasbourg from flooding during high tides. Part of the restoration and renovation of the weir is the installation of auger turbines to generate renewable energy.
In the tender issued by ACAL (Région Alsace Champagne-Ardenne Lorraine), the innovative design of the Landustrie hydropower jacks was decisive. The jacks will each generate about 30 kW of energy at a capacity of 3 m3/sec and a gradient of 1.4 metres. Commissioning of the hydropower plant will begin in mid-2017.
For Landustrie, this is now the seventh hydropower project in France in which a total of 16 hydropower jacks have been delivered.