Water technology
Water is everywhere and all-encompassing and so it is actually with the Landustrie product range. We can offer a product for every treatment step. We have therefore been active in water technology for more than 100 years! Read more about our products and solutions below.

Water treatment
For wastewater treatment plants, we design and supply products that can be used in every treatment step. We also have the necessary process knowledge to realise an optimal treatment concept. In the field of aerobic treatment, for example, we have the know-how and technology to work out and implement the most efficient aeration configuration.
We also recognise the importance of innovation in water treatment technology. Spearheads are reducing energy consumption and contributing to a circular economy. This has resulted in new sanitation techniques such as Desah decentralised wastewater treatment, reusing valuable materials and residuals and recovering energy.

Water management
Ensuring optimal water management and proper water resources in our country is crucial. We are proud to have been involved in water management for more than a century. This is shaped in the supply of various pumping stations (including sewer pumping stations, polder pumping stations, booster pumping stations, auger pumping stations) and pumping installations with or without the associated control and telemetry. In close consultation with the customer, a complete design & construct plan can be made in which we take responsibility for the design, dimensioning and execution. Fish-friendliness is not lost sight of.

Pumping stations
We supply a comprehensive range of LANDY sewage pumps for sewage pumping stations and pumping plants, complete with associated pipework, electrical controls and telemetry systems. Using our own pump selection programme, the most efficient sewage pump can be chosen for any application.
After delivery, our own service department can take over further management and maintenance and act immediately in case of breakdowns or emergencies.

The traditional Landustrie auger used to pump water from low to high levels is also deployed as a generator by using hydropower. When water flows down through the auger, the rotation of the auger starts and renewable energy can be generated. The advantage over other energy sources is that the power of water is available 24 hours a day. We have the knowledge to realise a hydropower plant from the initial design phase to implementation. Various hydropower jacks have been supplied and installed both in the Netherlands and in Europe.