PSO performance ladder

With effect from January 2023, Landustrie is officially certified according to the (highest) step 3 of the Social Business Performance Ladder (PSO) and we are proud of that!

The PSO is TNO's scientifically based measuring instrument and hallmark that objectively measures and visualises the extent of social entrepreneurship. The independent assessment by a certifying institution shows that we offer high-quality employment to people with a distance to the labour market.

The aim of the PSO is to help more people with a vulnerable labour market position find work in a sustainable and high-quality manner. We do this not only by facilitating workplaces in our own organisation, but also by encouraging our suppliers and contractors to do social business. We consciously choose to purchase products or services from SW companies and/or other PSO-certified organisations. This is also referred to as chain stimulation. By getting more organisations to do social business, we grow together towards a more inclusive society.

To learn more about PSO, please visit

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